Publication Archives

Sports Forecaster

(1987-1988) Our first newsletter, it used sabermetrics not only for baseball analysis but also for football, basketball and hockey. It included simulations to support various analyses and to play out post-season match-ups.

Baseball Forecaster Newsletter

(1989-1998) This was our core monthly publication that eventually evolved into

Forecasting Pitching Careers

(1995) Co-written with Rick Wilton, this was the first book to break down pitching performance, combining both observational and sabermetric research. The seeds of the LIMA Plan were planted here.

Pitchers Almanac

(1997) An update of the principles originally published in Forecasting Pitching Careers along with in-depth, team-by-team scouting reports on all pitchers for the 1997 season.

Fantasy Baseball Workbook

(1999) FBW was a repository of evergreen fantasy draft preparation and in-season roster management strategies and tools that had been accumulated over the years.  Included a 1999 draft guide.

Rotisserie Workbook

(2000) The second edition focused exclusively on the Rotisserie format. Final edition before the content became

Ron Shandler's Other Book 2016

(2016) Introduction of the concept of the Broad Assessment Balance Sheet (BABS). 

The BABS Project

(2017) Update and expansion of BABS concepts. Essentially, BABS 2.0.