The Beginning …

by Hank Arnold

I remember reading about this thing called Rotisserie Baseball in a New York Times story in the Chicago Tribune, and it got me thinking, hey, I love baseball, and I have friends who might like this too! So we got 8 people together, and had our first auction … no snake draft for us, I wanted the REAL THING!

There was a Dad and two sons, a couple of guys from the FM Radio Station my wife worked at, and various other folks. A few have passed, but there’s still a place in my heart for them and the beginnings of 30+ years of bliss!!

How many remember waiting for the Wednesday USA Today arriving at the 7-11 so stats could be done, BY HAND??? Roster changes were done weekly as there was no way to do them daily. And FAX MACHINES, how everyone received their STATS!!!

Eventually I found money in the budget for a trophy, I think it was a bowling cup I got for $12, but dammit I had the winners names etched in it and that was filled long ago … but yes, it’s still passed along at the spring draft sans Yahoo today!

And it all started with a small green Book – Rotisserie League Baseball!!! It’s been more fun than I ever imagined and years later it was Ron Shandler who introduced me to Baseball HQ, and I thought I was in HEAVEN! Thank you so very much, it’s been one heck of a ride!